

Hi, I’m Timi, girl next door with words and phrases running through my mind to capture the mundane with a lively twist. Now and again, I’m really inspired and my words come together in a way that you can relate to.

That’s me, discovering what  matters to you and me and then writing it down.

Along the way, your story intersects with mine–small wonder, because we’re all doing life together. So drop a line and let me know where you’re going and how you’re doing.

Take lemons & make life!

timi signature wordpress

images © Timi Yeseibo 2019

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Timi Yeseibo and livelytwist.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

112 thoughts on “about

  1. I got to know about your awesome blog via a friend, and I have not regretted one little bit. Thanks dear for visiting my blog and liking some of my posts. I was thrilled. Best wishes.


  2. Been a long time coming but I absolutely love the words and phrases you bring out forth adding the lively in the twist 🙂
    “Along the way, your story intersects with mine-small wonder, because we’re all doing life together” <—beautiful!!


  3. Welcome
    You lead a very interesting blog
    I’m glad I came across your blog.
    I greet you with Polish


    1. I havent actually read your blog but kindly dont come to mine and like a post and my about page without follow. I can only really take that as an insult and I dont appreciate. Thank again! Bye now.


      1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I don’t auto-follow blogs. I take time to read posts and engage with other bloggers. I read your post, which to my mind is the highest compliment I can pay you, rather than liking almost all your posts without reading and then following you.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. oh, I thought I had done that to holistic wayfarer because she has liked my posts on several occasions without following. You were featured on hers which is how I made that mistake obviously.


          1. @Williams, sorry to butt in here lol, but Diana (HW) reads posts– visits regularly actually– and leaves a like or a comment. If you can afford to look at it this way, she remembers to visit your site even when you don’t pop-up on her Reader….I wonder how she manages. Now that’s a compliment.

            @Timi Lol! I swear i hadn’t even noticed you had an ‘about’ page with comments too. Just assumed your home page served that function. *Spidey-Sherlock-Sense at work 😀


              1. Doubt there’s a picture at all sef. But if this is your definition of condescending, honey you should come out and play more often 😀


            1. Are you seriously under the impression I don’t understand choosing a tag and liking some posts under it? If that’s the case it’s very much a reflection on you rather than me.


  4. The good to make your acquaintance Timi….How do you pronounce your name? Like Timmy? I look forward to enjoying your intellect and thoughts……Brenda A blessed Palm Sunday to you.


  5. Timi – EricjBaker (above) is so right on – – you’ve got an ethereal smile! Had to come to your blog once again to see it closer up than the little thumbnail gravitar next to your comments… and now that I’m here, well I’m no dummy! Gonna explore some more! And start with Body Magic!


  6. Hi Timi! I have nominated you for the Shauny Blogging Award. I hope you will accept it, and pass it along to other deserving blogs. Please visit the page below to read the details. Keep up the great work!

    Shauny Award


  7. Awww,..and to think that just the same moment when I was reading through your post, I get a notification that you liked my post. Its no coincidence atal,….wow,..I love this welcome page……its really welcoming. I felt at home I don’t wanna leave. I’m gonna visit this house more often as it has given me sweet food to chop. Thank you Timi
    phrronesis.wordpress.com (Love and Reality)


    1. I forgot to wish you a special Happy New Year from me to you and your household. God bless you as you wax stronger in this awesome year filled with greatness……muah*


      1. Oh! Timi,…I’m reading your post on “Who will tell me sorry” now,…and as I reached the second paragraph,.I had to start looking through my dictionary for me to be able to continue…twas soo funny, annoying but worth it…my friend here sed,..”Hannah, atleast, now you know the meaning of the word ACQUIESCE”….even though I complained,…it was just making my reading more fun. Thanks Timi


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