Statistically Speaking


I am drawn to my WordPress stats page at least once every day although the stats do not tell me things I am curious about like how old my readers are. I know a twelve-year-old girl who reads my blog occasionally and a man of fifty-one, who claims to have read everything on my blog. Are the rest of my readers older or younger? My stats do not also tell me if I have crossed gender barriers with my pen. Who reads my post more, men or women?

I know no one in Brazil and Azerbaijan is a place I must locate on a map, yet my words have gone where my legs could not go. My words have travelled over Congo, a place I visited in Wilbur Smith’s The Dark of the Sun, and touched down in the United Arab Emirates. At least one person in every continent, in 105 countries, has viewed my blog.

livelytwist country views

I have heard it said that Nigerians don’t read, and that the average Nigerian’s appetite for literature lies in entertainment (Nollywood gossip), politics, and religion. I think I have done my part to debunk that claim. My highest blog views are from Nigeria, closely followed by the United Kingdom and the United States. Mind you, nearly 5,000 views in a country of 150 million people is a drop in the ocean, but I’ll take that drop, thank you!

What brings people who I have never met to my blog? I’d like to think that although I don’t know what gnaws on your mind at night, my words do. More likely, search engine robots pull you to my blog when you search for words like Akpos or Body Magic. If Akpos is unique to Nigeria, then majority of the seventy percent of viewers from Europe and The Americas are Nigerians. It makes sense as my Naija experiences colour my metaphors, making me feel proud that I’m also exporting Naija culture to non-Nigerians.

Was it my smiling Gravatar or a comment I left on another blog that brought you here? If so, I’m never changing that photo! If Facebook brought you here, I am not surprised for people share my posts on Facebook more than on any other social media platform.

I wonder if you stay after you land on my blog or if you leave, bookmark the page, and return later. If you stay, what do you like to read most? When I read a book, I try to find someone I know or myself in its pages. Is the protagonist’s failure like mine or is his success worth aspiring to? Does he walk with a limp so I can catch up with him?

I think the best stories are about the human condition, which would explain why stories about my or another’s insecurities served with wit, are the most viewed, most shared, most commented, and most liked posts on this blog. Posts like The Body Magic, I am not Looking for Love, I am going to Work, The Measure of a Man, Any Comments, and Six Degrees of Separation. Perhaps vulnerability exposes authenticity that makes you stay beyond the polished prose.


statistically speaking

Now I know what drives traffic to my blog, do I write another Akpos post? Now I know which posts attract the most views, comments, likes, and shares, do I stop writing posts like, Grow Up Mikey and Our National Pastime, because they performed poorly at the box office?

I cannot confine myself to the prison of writing for stats; my mind is bigger than that. However, I realise that my stats are my friends and they are relevant to the degree that I can make right inferences, which affect my writing and ultimately enhance your reading pleasure. So please fill in the gaps and tell me what my stats page won’t: who are you, what brought you here, and what will keep you coming back?


©Timi Yeseibo 2014

Related posts from Livelytwist:


Image credit: illustration from Microsoft


Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Timi Yeseibo and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

88 thoughts on “Statistically Speaking

  1. I’m Agboola Timi Israel (nah, can’t continue, I ain’t a robot :D).
    Found you through Ifeoluwa Nihinlola and I was struck my your writing. Whats next? The aura, the atmosphere around your blog was so warm and captivating that I know that if one day it becomes possible to “reside” online, I’ll gladly hop over and join the queue.
    One thing too, your profile image, that smile, oozes so much love and charm it would hurt if you were to change it.
    Ps- I think I found you first on Facebook but I didn’t know you blog.
    (And, I use WordPress mobile to blog, my gravatar image won’t just upload. *Sigh).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi AI, nice to meet you! I’m glad you feel welcome here 🙂

      I’ve thought about changing the profile photo … okay, I’ll leave it for now, lol. Thanks. But I can see your gravatar image? So you’re doing something right 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You know when I started to read the post, I wondered how I stumbled on your blog. Then you wrote about the post ‘I am not looking for love, I am going to work’ (I paraphrased that by the way) then it clicked, from Osemhen’s blog. I loved the post and started to check back every once in a while.
    Also, as a Nigerian in the U.S, it’s interesting to read your tales about Nigeria; always thought provoking but sometimes with a humorous twist. What was not to love?


    1. Aw, this is one of the things I like about blogging- connecting with others! I’m so glad my posts resonate and that Osemhen connected us. I’m going to check out your blog. Thanks for the support, I like having you here 🙂


  3. I am Frances, your link on Lizzie’s bbm pin brought me here.. I stayed because of your words-cant explain farther than that.
    I hope this suffices?
    Great blog!


    1. Hi Frances, nice to meet you. I’ll stop over at your blog so I can get to know you better. Ah, I see, my words. Your explanation suffices. I’ll take it as a compliment. Thank you. 🙂


  4. British-Nigerian. I live/shuffle between Paris and Brussels, have most likely read the blog from both places. Stumbling-upon/blog -hopping landed me here, but wittiness and guaranteed laughter and/or thinking, kept me coming back.
    Keep up the GREAT work!


    1. Hi Clara, glad you found me, nice to meet you! Your encouragement will keep me working hard.
      I like the sound of shuffling between Paris and Brussels. Pity my French is non-existent.
      Thank you.


  5. I wish I had not been too busy with my family’s medical issues to spend as much time reading blogs lately as I would like to. I enjoy reading your blog because I enjoy the Nigerian orientation, while also seeing how much of life is universal to all of us everywhere. I agree with you, the statistics of where the views come from are fascinating. Your smiling face is beautiful and think you should never change that Gravatar! At least not any time soon.


    1. Ah, Julia, thanks for the compliment. That gravatar photo stays 😉
      I admire the way that you post consistently despite all you have to deal with and that you still find time to drop by occasionally. I’m glad WordPress connected us. You show us through your posts, how to defeat despair.


    1. Wow, I’m humbled to know that I inspire you to be a better writer. The way I know to get better is to keep writing, keep practicing, and keep learning. Thank you Freeman.


  6. My taste buds’ interminable allegiance to the ‘king of legumes’ (Beans!) was given a voice the first time I visited here. (Courtesy IfeOluwa’s referral). Humorous, witty, and downright relatable, “Running in the Airport,” was perhaps enough conviction to bookmark this blog.

    A great writer does not necessarily always tell something unheard-of. Rather, he brings out the new from the old, draws out the unthinkable from the trite and delivers to the reading audience their very own thoughts in much the same fashion as on their mind. Not to also mention that he (the writer) is amenable to honest feedback from them..

    That and more I’ve found here. I probably don’t need that much to stay with any artist.

    Great work, Timi, great work.


    1. Bunmi, you are generous with your praise, your comments, and your feedback and they inspire me to do better. Thank you.

      Ah, Running in the Airport, just read it again and I’m in stitches. I would really love to write a post like that soon . . . I need inspiration!


  7. Looking at your map. I’ll help you colour it by my visit, I’m in Argentina, and glad to help. By the way, did you created that graphics of your stats? (the one below)


      1. Hey,,,, you made those infographics yourself? You write, you’re a lawyer and you made those charts? You really know a lot and I wonder who else you are that I don’t know yet….maybe you can really DO ALL THINGS through Him who strengthens

        I also like the last paragraph ”I cannot confine myself to the prison of writing for stats; my mind is bigger than that.”, It’s the crux of the post and it firmly states my mindset and approach to writing. Every word you write is a unique step in time and nobody else will craft a sentence the way you’ve done but you’ve left something to be remembered for. In the words of 50Cent, ”If I die today, they’ll read this and say, A genius wrote it ” and If truly I die, I’ll be happy how my life turned out”.


        1. Lol, I cannot do all things. I’m very aware of my limitations, but I play to my strengths 🙂

          I think that your view and mine are romantic. If we write for stats, we’ll get the stats and whatever else comes with it, not bad. not bad at all. I suspect that because of the way we think, the writing (for stats), may lack heart or read like it’s ‘forced’. On the other hand, we may surprise ourselves, discovering that we can crank out ‘good’ posts like machines 🙂

          Like you, I am fulfilled when I put my heart in it and give it my all.
          p.s. I’m not a lawyer . . . 😉


          1. Hmmmm, you really make sense here 🙂

            Maybe we have a lot more in common than we know in our view and approach to things. I’m an Engineer, I do machine and engine designs, I write and I also do quite a lot of statistical analysis(graphs and charts, but yours seems better).


            1. Tobi, we learn from each other as we interact and we stay connected because we sense we share common interests. I enjoy reading your posts, which highlight your engineering background. I have a degree in Economics & Statistics, but I rarely have to do academic or business analysis. Infographics makes presenting statistical data, which can be boring, interesting.

              You can google free infographics templates if you like. In my opinion, that’s the easy part. Extracting the data that’s most relevant to your audience and arranging it in a logical way that’s attractive and appealing without being overwhelming, hmmm … Anyway, the more you practice, the better you get 🙂 Holla via the contact form if you want to talk about this some more.


  8. Hey, Sunday is no good until I’ve read from you…went down with cold this last one and had to peek at my PC during a departmental meeting today…Director of sales won’t have any of that…long story short can’t find sleep until I’ve done this…
    BTW, I didn’t know there’s so much fun around here soon after I had given my two kobos…
    Okay, I read a reblog of you on Eurekanaija about going to work and not looking for a husband…I had a hard laughter and I came here for more.
    What keeps me coming is your consistency and quality…I get weary of frequent daily posts
    Oh, your comments are headswellers too…I appreciate them a great deal…You are soon to become the most commenter after me, in less than one year of acquaintance!
    PS: I am the guy who loves ellipses…


    1. Aw, Charles I’m just grinning from ear to ear!
      I’m happy that I’m winning the battle for focus and my consistency is paying off.

      That post is hilarious! I read it and all the comments again, and had myself a good time. I want to write another like it!

      I think comments are a great way to connect. I like giving them and receiving them, and I know you do too. Thanks for your support Charles and for peeking during the meeting 🙂


  9. Hmmm… I believe you know me a bit. What brought me? I read your comment on one of IfeOluwa Nihinlola’s Ramblings of a Coffa and I was like who is this person? Besides, I thought it necessary to read as many blogs as possible when I started blogging so, I followed you here. The words and the graphics keep me coming back… I cannot agree less that you were born with a 6 in writing but I am more convinced that you have developed yourself beyond talent… thanks Timi!


    1. Yes, I know you a bit 😉
      The feedback I’m getting shows that my commenting on other blogs makes people want to check me/my blog out. I should do more of that. And that’s the thing isn’t it? You can take a horse to the river, but you can’t force it to drink. If we don’t have content to engage viewers, they’ll land and fly off again. I’m glad that Livelytwist content has ‘hooked’ you 🙂


  10. Your discipline has bought us over. The Sunday-Sunday formula is working really well and we can’t not stop by this villa to celebrate a writer whose compelling words leave us yearning for more. The way I see it, the day you write about taking a dump is when this blog will be found by the likes of Huff-Post and the world. You’d be surprised what “turns people on.”

    Why? Because we’re curious into what goes on in Timi’s life when she’s not romancing livelytwist! Maybe it’s just me…lol


    1. Thanks Maggielola!
      @curious, you are championing the cause of the ‘people’ well 🙂
      More than half of the posts on this blog are written in the first person, that’s plenty info for seekers! My life is mostly mundane. In my view, if I cannot serve the mundane with a lively twist, what’s the point of sharing? I woke up, got dressed, and went to work, so what? See what I mean? 🙂

      For me, beyond sensationalism and mass-tickle-appeal, the real question is, what is truly worth sharing that will provoke thought & inspire? How can I write it so people want to read it? I guess you have to deal with these same questions on your blog right?


  11. WHO found whom first? What’s on second? I don’t know…. Third base. Pardon my bad rendition of the classic Abbott & Costello routine, but I seriously cannot remember — Did I find you first? It was definitely Body Magic combined with that ethereal smile of yours that made me a satisfied follower. Your writing IS polished to a keen sheen and I appreciate what goes into posts like that. 50 years, mother of 6, San Diego, California but we don’t all surf here. ;-).


    1. “…but we don’t all surf here” LOL haha! I had to pause for a second to get that.

      In my mid twenties, Minnesota here, and we aren’t always “Minnesota Nice.” 🙂


    2. I found you first, do I get a prize? It was, Don’t Change That Channel-er ! that made me a happy follower- I laughed sickness out the door that day.

      WordPress is wonderful like that, making 9,000km seem insignificant. Writing is wonderful like that, peeling years, and turning our kids into funny blog posts. Nice to meet you again, the pleasure is all mine 🙂


  12. I came here one night as I was blog hopping, clicking gravatars of comments and likes from one blog to another. I posted a comment on one of the WordPress 10_ series and you posted a return comment on my blog. That was it. I was hooked.

    What will keep me coming back? As long as you can continue to write beautifully and surprise me, I’ll be here (I should also add: as long as I have internet access – can’t be taking these things for granted).

    I’ll skip the “Who are you?” question because my meagre abilities in reductionism do not extend to answering questions like that in a comment box.


    1. Commenting on other blogs can be a way of saying, “Hi my name is Timi, and I’d like to connect with you.” Sometimes the other blogger feels the same way, sometimes he doesn’t. I’m delighted you came over and brought your friends along as well.

      I will do my part, writing beautifully and surprising you. Internet access . . . hmmm 🙂
      Reading your blog has shown me a little about who you are. That’s a good place to start.


  13. 🙂 Only you can write a post called ‘Statistically speaking’ and shower it with heart and wit. I honestly and rather painfully can’t remember exactly what brought me to your blog, but i’m grateful nevertheless. Your words are my friends, that’s why i keep coming back.


    1. @remember what brought you here, phew! I don’t need to ‘settle’ anyone 🙂
      Really Tomi, my words are your friends? Aw, now Pharell Williams, Happy, song makes sense!


  14. I am nigerian, word of mouth got me here, I go on your blogs cos I like to read, I go back to your page, cos I can relate with it a lot. I believe you ve mentioned most of my favorites blogs, but am missing the one with the beans (the guy with the beans and plantain traveling from Naija and d forming babe lol), I thought that was cool.

    The mix of laughter, reality and the fact that the stories rekindles my Naija memory as I could relate with them is the reason why I always check my phone mid days on Sundays to read from you.
    Takia dear more olive oil to your elbow.


    1. Busola, I hail the ‘mouth’ that brought you here 🙂

      Running in the airport! Yay, I had fun writing that post. I laugh my head off whenever I read it. I hope I keep getting the inspiration to write funny posts that resonate. One of my tag lines is that we’re all doing life together, so I’m glad my stories draw us closer.

      Thanks for your feedback. I am massaging the olive oil into my elbow 😉


  15. I used to check my stats, then guess what? The second year, I rarely check. I love to see the people’s pics or gravatars and hope for more each time, but I don’ t check anymore! Wonder why? Anyway, I can relate to the first times I used to get thrills seeing the map with all the different countries and my readers/friends from afar! Timi, you deserve a lot more readers, girlfriend! Hugs, Robin


    1. Robin, I wonder why you rarely check your stats now that you’re in your second year of blogging. If you hope to see more gravatars, doesn’t it make sense to track your progress?

      Maybe I wouldn’t check my stats as much in the future . . . nah, knowing me, I doubt it. But what’s changed for me over time is not letting it get me down or affect my writing.

      When my stats go up, my heart goes boom, boom, boom! When people say something they read resonates, I’m really moved. I hope I never lose that sense of awe.

      Thanks so much for flying with me!


      1. Hi Timi! I posted late in the day, yesterday but you are on my list of nominees for my Sisterhood of the World Bloggers nomination list! I did not have a chance to let the nominees, like you, my dear sister, know since I ran out of time! I don’t mind however you handle the nomination, but especially wanted you to know that I follow over 400 people (closer to 500 sometimes…) and I really only feel “close” to a few of the ones that are out there. I usually give out awards to ‘new’ and ‘fresh ones’, who have just happened to come along in my comments or ‘liked’ me. But really, how could I not give friends I care about, a part in my ‘sisterhood?’ Last time, I had a ‘Picnic!’ This time, I came up with a different way to handle the post… Smiles, Robin

        Liked by 1 person

  16. I saw a comment you made on a blog and I thought you were even related to the person sort of oo because of the way you two pulled it off (I mean you spoke so well) and so I said, let me see who this lady is and viola! there you are 🙂

    Well, I never knew I was going to stay long funny enough o. I just thought oh well, let me see what’s up and before I knew it, I subscribed and receive your posts every sunday.

    Aha!! lest I forget, I read that your “I’m not the way I dress” post and I was wondering who is this woman who writes with such descriptive power…, and giving the post solid foundation and then we talked about one post like that…, which you came rummaging my blog for and then we just kept rapping and I knew, yup, this is someone with whom I might be talking with for a while 🙂

    And your response to the comments too. Yea, that.

    And your sense of humor.

    So, there you go Timi

    I’m from Nigeria by the way and obviously a woman.


      1. Girl, I’m with Maggielola on this one o! Did you see my stats infographic? Unless you make an out-of-this-world comment, I would rarely click on a gravatar without a human face 🙂


    1. I don’t tire of saying how blogging and writing connects people. In this world of 6 billion people, how else could we have met? I’m happy you stayed, thanks for flying with me. I don’t know how you pull off writing several series as well as regular blog posts at the same time. I’d like to enter your imagination!

      On the stats page, we’re told if you want more traffic, try commenting on other blogs. It works! 🙂


  17. Who am I? I’m a Nigerian male in my late twenties who’s hung up on changing the world. What brought me here? A comment you made on another blog where I met you. Why will I keep coming back? Your “realness”, your earthiness, your simplicity. I love it here because I connect with you.


    1. I like world changers; their big ideas light my candle.
      @connect, I agree. And right now, I’m flushing out every thing fake, fickle & fluffy, so we can remain connected! 🙂


      1. Lol! That’s just for me? Damn, I don turn VIP o! 😀

        Thanks, Timi. Your blog is refreshing breeze to a battle-weary/battle-hungry soul like me. It’s great to be able to relate with someone else like this.


  18. Hey Timi, thanks for another great blog. You know my stats so no need to say more. ;).
    These posts have become my sunday routine and although I don’t always comment, I enjoy them immensely.
    Keep up the good work.


    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Yes, I know your stats, but now, I also know you’re a regular reader 🙂
      You make it easy for me, I don’t have to change anything, just get better at what I do!


  19. Hi Timi,

    l found your profile while commenting on another blog and I clicked because l know what livelytwist means. Been there, Done that 🙂

    Now I like posts where I mirror something of my life, community etc

    Keep it up and for me, frankly I don’t even know how to interpret my stats and all. I write those posts like that and couldn’t even find an appropriate name for my blog 🙂


    1. I find your comment interesting…and what does livelytwist mean? Here I am thinking it must stand for something more than the literal meaning suggests. I don’t wanna be left out, please! 😛


      1. The meaning of livelytwist, literal or figurative?

        I wish I had an interesting story like Eric’s to share 😉
        I had one of my tag lines, Take lemons & make life, and wanted a blog name that matched. While waiting for the metro after work, a couple of colleagues and I brainstormed. Someone said, lively. Another said, twist. On the train, I exchanged IMs with friends. Livelytwist was the best choice that hadn’t already been taken 😀


      2. To me, it’s a three word made one.

        I have ‘Live’ then ‘ly’, then twist.

        So I set out to Live, then life gets me by choice or circumstance to add ‘Ly’ to my Life – you name all those words/adjectives ending with ly: Lonely, hoyfully, painfully, and etc etc.

        Next, by choice most especially, a twist sets in.

        Now this is where I like Timi’s combination of the words I identified for Live and ly actually make it ‘happy to live’ and livelytwist to me is living happily notwithstanding the twists. Mark you some twists can sure be very pleasant ones and then even the unpleasant ones become happy stepping stones if we choose to make them so.

        Hope this is too complicated but that’s my interpretation. 🙂


    2. Marie, glad we found each other. I have found your posts brutally honest, and admire your courage in sharing your story. I think I get what you said about ‘mirror’ I hope my words will continue to be mirrors.

      As for the stats, they’re quite straight forward. They basically tell you which country your readers/viewers come from, which posts are popular, and how people find your blog. Interpretation, hmmm . . . in my case, I want to be more active on FB, since it drives good traffic to my blog.

      Like Maggielola, I’m curious about your definition of livelytwist . . .


      1. Thanks Timi, I replied to Maggielola’s comment about my understanding or interpretation of Livelytwist. Now you whose brain child it is, and who keeps such a smile on her face, you tell us what it means or meant to you when you choose it. 🙂


        1. Your interpretation resonates, I get it, I get you, after all I’m the one who says, “…because life happens to all of us & sometimes we get a second chance…” 😉

          Thank you for being a good sport about sharing your thoughts. I shared mine in the chain above 🙂


  20. I recall you leaving an amusing comment on Uzoma’s blog. I responded to it, because I’m all about the humorous comment, and the rest is history. I like your material because it is not the same old stuff people post again and again. Also, sorry to generalize, but I am finding myself attracted to blogs emanating from Africa or at least produced by ex-pat Africans, because the mix of culture, humor, and passion for the human condition often woven throughout the text seems unique to people of that continent. There are a pathetic amount of blogs in the US that exist solely for the blogger to gripe about how life sucks and isn’t fair.

    As for my biographical data: I’m about 545 years old, but most of that time was spent in suspended animation when my spaceship was blown out of earth’s orbit. Somehow I drifted back centuries later, only to find all the old cities had been destroyed in a war and replaced by new, futuristic societies. However, i discovered Earth was under siege from a race of aliens called the Draconians. Together with my sexy friend Wilma and my sidekick robot Twiki, we launched an attack on the Draconian mothers…

    Hold on. That wasn’t me. That was the plot of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Sorry. I work in an office building, drive a 10-year-old Chevy Malibu, and eat to much junk food.

    I get confused sometimes.


    1. Where is the thumbs up button when you need it? The interesting part is that I almost believed you and was saddened by your last 2 paragraphs! Well done, lol! 😀


    2. Eric, you are only a little confused! You are 656 years old. Since you returned to earth from suspended animation, you quit junk food and relax in the self-driving 2014-model Mercedes-Benz S550. You abandoned Wilma and Twiki when the battle against the Draconians got intense. They have never forgiven you. You still write Wilma haikus about endless love!

      What if I wasn’t funny on that day on Uzoma’s blog? See what I would have missed – your unique comments, which make the ‘twist’ in livelytwist, hug ‘lively’ tighter! So, let’s drink to a future with no griping about life sucking the air out of us in a manner so unfair, no synonym for unfair can replace unfair 🙂

      I like having you here, and from what I can see, so do several others.


      1. What if you had posted the worst comment in the history of the internet? We could have been nemeses!

        If you really want to be amused, check out the credit sequence for the movie Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Be sure to stick around long enough for the hair-flipping pout. It’s 1980-tastic.


          1. Aw, you’re just a baby still!

            **pinches cheek**

            I interviewed a 1960s-era pop/soul singer named Barbara Harris a couple years ago for some article I was writing. She was 67 at teh time I think. At on epoint she asked me my age and I said, “40ish.” Then she went, “Aw, that’s a cute age.” I laughed. She was a riot.


    1. Steve, it certainly does. Sometimes, when I write, I like to see my readers in my mind. What was I thinking, when I put out that dare? Oh well, it brought you here 😀


  21. I found you through WordPress and it’s been a lovely ride ever since. I am a blogger myself who has the weak point of being drawn to anything that draws upon the powers of simplicity, lyricism and deep thought. I find that here.

    Meanwhile, keep at those pieces that aren’t hits. That’s why music albums exist: some songs are meant for just a few souls but many times, these songs can only get to their audience on the strength of the popular appeal of the hit song.


    1. Samuel, you are too kind with your words. I’m glad I met you too, let’s toast to WordPress! Your music album analogy is so apt. I’ll keep at it. Perhaps a few months/years down the road, the timing for those posts may be just right.


  22. Proud to be part of the Ukrainian 1% *Pops Collar & adjusts “I read LivelyTwist” badge*. We should make those btw 😂😂😂. Forgot the actual comment I wanted to post, will repost it after I read this again.


    1. You know, when I saw the Ukraine 1%, my thoughts immediately turned to you! I was like, “Yay, give it up for the readers from Ukraine!”

      I love having you guys here. Keep wearing your Livelytwist badge 🙂


  23. The insecurity does it for me; then i tell myself, “ah I’m totally jealous of this woman lol but she’s human too”. It’s not just that you have your moments too, but that you always find find a solution of sort to them–mostly with all that wit infused. I like that, it’s easy to relate with and just ‘human’ not mechanical.

    Hope this helps 🙂


    1. Thanks Uju, yes, it helps. When you write a personal blog, as we both do, finding the right balance between just enough and too much information can be challenging. And then serving it with wisdom and wit . . . But it’s a challenge I think we both enjoy, otherwise, we won’t be doing what we do 🙂


  24. Yay I’m the first commenter!!! *does the azonto dance*

    I just came to sign the attendance register, Timi. I’ll be back to leave a meaningful comment.

    And I must confess- I enjoy these childish moments on your blog whenever I get the chance to. It’s really refreshing, Timi. Thanks for allowing me to be comfortable with giving a voice to my inner child on your platform 🙂


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