Six Degrees of Separation and Other Stories

secret of change

On a scale of one to ten, I was born with a six in writing, just as you were born with a six, or seven, or eight in something. This means that even if I don’t develop myself as a writer, anything I write would be better than what most people write. But talent is not enough. It can be a beginning.

I believe in six degrees of separation, the version I have heard, that you are only five people away from any one you want to meet. I could meet Barrack Obama if I want to. My family knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody that knows Goodluck Jonathan. Goodluck Jonathan can lead me to Obama. In theory.

I put this man know man to good use when I tried to publish my manuscript traditionally in Nigeria. It helped. In theory. I got an audience with every publisher I wanted to meet. In those days, I wrote creative non-fiction and dreamt about a coffee-table-style book with rich photos, that readers could leisurely leaf through. Two things stood in my way: money and a photographer to team up with.

After I butted my head against the wall several times, I used six degrees of separation, again, to get the attention of glossies and weekend papers. I received some offers. Two conditions made me decline. The publications demanded exclusivity and wanted me to write free of charge.

“Are you crazy?” asked my cousin who was number four in this particular six degrees of separation.

“What exactly do I get from this arrangement?”

“This is Naija, shine ya eye well well! You’ll get a platform to build your reputation as a writer, and before long, they’ll be calling you for speaking engagements. Then you can charge like 100k per engagement,” her eyes shone as she giggled and clapped.

Should I have taken the offer? In 2008, Michael Birch sold Bebo to AOL for $850M. In 2010, AOL sold Bebo for less than $10M, as the story goes. Birch said, “Obviously, the timing was good for us and bad for AOL.”

Was the timing good for me? I only know two things. One, that although I had about two months’ worth of articles on my laptop, deep down, I feared that I could not write engaging articles week after week. Two, that if you don’t know who you are or what you’ve got, people will remould you until you cannot recognise your reflection.

Once, a mentor asked me to pay a token for advice. He said, “What is given too cheaply is often despised.” I have found that humility is not being the doormat others step on because you don’t know your value. It is knowing your value, but choosing to be a doormat anyway.

Some of my missed opportunities are like Halley’s Comet while others have prepared me better for this time. Some people ‘wait’ for opportunity as though opportunity is passive, like something that happens to you, as in the sentence, I was hit by a truck. At night, I look at the sky and believe there are spaces in the universe for us to fill. We cannot rule out what some call luck and others providence, but in a sense, we call opportunity by our preparedness.

As I tried to get a writing gig going, people would say, “Your articles read like a blog post. Why not start a blog?”

I chewed the idea and spat it out, for the same reason that I never wanted to start a business. I have no entrepreneurial bone in my body. I’m a nine to five girl jare. Share your vision and I will actualise it; but don’t ask me to come up with my own.

Four years later, many unpublished articles and short stories later, miffed that I found one grey eyelash while looking in the mirror, I wrote an article about getting older and posted it on my Facebook Timeline. The responses surprised me. Not just the likes or comments, but the call to start a blog.

I had come full circle. I wrestled with the thought that I was moving away from my dream of being traditionally published. In truth, I had buried that dream under a big box labelled life. My sister told me, “When you’re down, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

I started this blog with grit, a little knowledge, some research, plenty goodwill, confidence, trepidation, and a two-month content calendar.

One year later, this gift that chose me, feels like a solemn trust, like a platform to do my life’s work. When you read something and say it inspires you to do life better, I let my tears fall where they will.


path to your dream


©Timi Yeseibo 2014


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Photo credit: Pensiero / / CC BY-NC-ND

Title: Reading

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92 thoughts on “Six Degrees of Separation and Other Stories

  1. Awesome that I’m reading this about a year after it went online and two years after I intensely researched six degrees…
    Opportunities do meet passive fellows, a lesson I learned a bit too late. On the other hand, I did kick off a blog too early. Now, I’m simply learning balance…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve heard of the six degrees of separation but haven’t given much thought until now. I find this article interesting enough to learn more. I agree, anything is possible, and many instances connection takes knowing someone. I had that happen this past year. I have met the President in person and taken a picture with him. My brother is in the military, and we had the fortune of being invited with a group to visit the White House on two occasions. The third time was the Christmas tour by invite. Because of this, I know anything is possible. I have met and been in the company of people I would not have like ambassadors and other dignitaries unless the six degrees of separation was in order. Thanks for this post. Dreams do come true, and they are closer than we think.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Dreams do come true and they are closer than we think.” Your examples certainly lends credence to what you said. Many times the connections and resources we need aren’t far away. We just need to look and maybe look again.

      Your comment is timely. It gave me hope!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. After reading “I am not looking for love,I am going to work” I commented to my roommate about your blog being *intellectually* interesting.
    I’ve learnt from every piece I’ve read. I especially liked “humility is not being the doormat others step on because you don’t know your value. It is knowing your value, but choosing to be a doormat anyway”.
    I love your thought pattern.


    1. Thank you Uche, I am humbled. Isn’t it great to do life together?
      I am laughing at *intellectually* interesting. I’m not sure what it means, but I think it’s a good thing. 🙂


  4. I think I’m a 5.5 myself…. I just need to write more. One thing I’ve told myself from day 1 is I don’t want writing to be My way in . I want to live, explore, try things out, then write! Rather than writing to fund those other exploits. I’ve been a lazy writer for sometime now but I see the cobwebs getting seared by the heat of My revival. I’m getting My readers back!!!!


  5. Timi, I read this post every now and then and then I make more notes and continue working. I am one woman who likes to ‘start’. I love ‘challenges’ ha they sometimes leave me half way through but I know I will surely meet someone who knows someone who can either help me stand, or move on, or even sink if I let them. I can say I dream but hardly wait for to long to start working on that dream


    1. Marie, I think that if you can start, you’re nearly halfway there, so kudos to you. Sometimes, I take too long, but in the end, what I produce is fine like matured wine- that must be the hand of providence though.

      Like you, I re-read this post now and again. In my opinion, it is one of the most inspiring posts I’ve written. I’m glad to know I’m not alone. Let’s journey together . . .


      1. Timi,

        Just to add example to your post, if I want to meet Oprah someday I know who to ask. My coach knows one of Oprah’s ambassador of Hope. So here is not even up to six degrees (six is just a number you said in another one right?).

        If you have heard of the guru Lisa Nichols, now my cousin in Austria another tough one and my heroine and boss, knows Lisa.

        Hmm, my coach also personally knows Les Brown and etc.

        My Sister, we will journey together, please email me at the gist plenty. 🙂


  6. Happy One Year Anniversary and congrats on 2000 views, too! I have hopes of being published, have spent a lot of time and money sending my children’s stories out and in SASE sometimes not even getting them back. (Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes, in the size of manila envelopes’ cost adds up, with my copies of stories in there.) I illustrated them, but mention that I am open to be an illustrator sans story or a writer with a different illustrator.) Too much multiple choice, no leads so far…I relate to your six degrees story, but hope you know that you should never pay anyone to do something that they should do since they are distant ‘friends’ or family members! Smiles, Robin


    1. Thank you Robin. I guess the frustration experienced by many seeking to be traditionally published has contributed to the rise in self-publishing. Writers have many options now; we are limited by how far we want to go.

      I wish you all the best in your quest Robin. Even if the SASE were returned, could you reuse them or the contents?


  7. That’s awesome, how you came to start your blog. And it is powerful when others – who can see your situation or talent more clearly than you – point your feet on your path. My husband says I helped him not to underestimate his worth – esp in the service of others. =) I appreciate how you were able to draw boundaries for yourself; it is as important to know what our calling is not as it is to know it. Love your closing.

    If you wrote me, I never got it. Inviting you to email me again if you’re interested in a guest post on my blog – not the Race template bloggers from around the world have been submitting. Try



    1. Many times it takes others to confirm and validate what we have on our inside. Then, it’s our move. How heartwarming that you steadied your husband’s path. I hope my story will do the same for someone.

      I’m not looney, lol! I’ve sent a reply. Thanks Diana 🙂


  8. Great piece as always , read it last week but was too busy to leave a comment at that time . I wanted to let you know I’ve heard about people who have tried self publishing and did quite well. I recently heard @ofilispeaks talk about his fustrations with traditional publishing and how that made him try out self publishing which he did at “no cost” to use his words. He has three books out there now and is always willing to share with people how he managed to self publish at no cost. You may want to consider that.


    1. Thank you for returning to comment and share helpful info. Yes, will do, in time. I think I have to be ready and I’m not. But then again when I started this blog, I wasn’t ready. I just took the bull by the horns after hearing the voice and feeling the goodwill of the people. 🙂


      1. Okay. Whenever you are I sure would like to buy the book. Hope you had a wonderful easter holiday ? That’s if you are not one of those who work on holidays too . 🙂


        1. Thanks for your support. I had a nice holiday. I slaved over my recent blog post, I Do – cut, copy, paste; cut, copy, paste, and enjoyed every minute of it 🙂

          What about you? Hope your holiday was great.


  9. hmmmmn…this is serious and I don’t even know what to say again. The comments being dropped here seem to have taken it all but let me say this:

    I learned from reading this post.
    You took the bull by the horns and came to blog.., who knows you might have even gained the popularity here than if you had worked for those people for free.
    Talent is never enough. True that. I mean have you not heard of some books that became bestsellers just after they wrote a twilight fan flick and then you open it to read just to see crap.
    And your reaction is like huh? I can write better than this now…, haba!

    My brother told me of Charles Dickens who never had an audience when he started writing and sometimes had to go to the square to read his book out for free so that people would listen to him. You know how much his book has gone wild in the past years right?

    I believe most of the people who are leaders today started from somewhere…, although somethings have happened recently that makes you wonder if some people started from anywhere at all and they just went boom into the market making their money.

    All I can say in conclusion is keep doing what you do, make noise about it, pray about it, be diligent about it and it should never stop you from your dream of publishing traditionally no matter how old you become since you mentioned a grey eyelash in the post…loool.

    Have you tried self publishing?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You made many excellent points in your remark, but one stands out above the rest, and on that I will now focus my attention.

      The grey eyelash. I’ll have you know that some young people like me begin to grey early in unusual places. My lone grey eyelash gives me unique insight in our world, which I serve with wisdom and wit in my posts. How dare you even hint that I could grow older? 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Thank you for your encouragement. @self publishing, we’ll see how it goes.


        1. Timi: *waiting until the lash of wisdom stops blinking* to deliver a reply full of wisdom and wit:

          Thank you for your generous suggestion. It could not have been proffered at a more opportune moment.

          *lash of wisdom resumes blinking* 🙂


  10. Inspiration 101.

    I am tired of saying we have many shared points. It’s creepy! 🙂

    Your writing always pushes me to say much in response; because it’s always loaded. Doing something for free until you are noticed is one of the great pieces of advice one can clutch unto. I believe this. But that’s if you understand it on a deeper level. As you have shown, even if you do not make the bucks from each post right now, the readership and comments are one form of payment for your efforts; amongst under forms that should come when due.

    It’s the way the business world works now. Facebook, Twitter, WordPress…they give you a platform for free and get their payments in some other way that might not be from you. Writers should be expansive in their world view, really.

    “Two, that if you don’t know who you are or what you’ve got, people will remould you until you cannot recognise your reflection.”

    Yes. I hardly put up my early works out there for criticism until I was sure my voice was strong enough to be refined and not remoulded.

    You have done good, Timi. You are doing great livelytwist!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Samuel, you know what they say, great minds think alike! 🙂 Thank you so much for your encouragement.

      Remember when you asked me to write something about publishing and I couldn’t because I had to work? Well the seed you sowed refused to die. I found myself writing, “I believe in six degrees of separation . . .” at 1 a. m. In the end, I couldn’t deliver the piece you wanted, but I’m glad you like what I did with it here.

      @writing for free, as you say, if you understand it on a ‘deeper level’ it can be beneficial. It can also be an avenue to test the waters . . .

      Interesting thought about a writer’s voice. When or rather, how do you know it’s strong enough?


      1. I think WordPress ate my response to your question *crying cos he can’t write it out anymore*

        You know, I am happy I remotely had something to do with this article. It’s a great piece. About knowing when voice is strong enough *which I had taken time to articulate and which WordPress ate probably because I mentioned their names earlier…* I think it has to do with confidence. The confidence you have–within the four walls of your writing world yet unmolested by criticism–that your writing can stand proud anywhere, or in some quarters of your chosen. When the writer becomes this confident, he should let out his works–these birds he has grown to cherish–unto the fields to do battle with the big birds of prey. If his birds survive, he should tend to their wounds and prepare them for yet another battle until victory comes to the writers side; victory being the unquestionable mastery of his craft, or a much covered distance on that trajectory.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’m sorry WordPress ate your words, but glad that you wrote some more because your words will help someone.

          Even those of us who are farther along the road, have blind spots, so I don’t know if the writer’s sequestered confidence really tells him much . . . I mean, haven’t you winced after reading someone’s best prose? 🙂 Anyway, as you imply, when they release the birds into the battlefield, they are mentally strong enough to tend to their wounds, instead of giving up.

          How important then is mentorship and validation (validation, which we discussed in the post about affirmation)? Priceless in the light of this.


  11. Just reading your post and thinking we have quite a lot in common…we really need to find a way to meet up in this town 🙂
    Just for the records…I think you were born with a 9.5 in writing and right now, you are about a 15 over 10.


  12. “Life is easy if you don’f have a dream”? Who are you, my doppelgänger? I couldn’f have said it better. Life is one hell of a toughie when you need to get somewhere. It doesn’t seem to bother you when you’re willing to go where the tide goes. But that’s just common sense. Problem with going with the tide is that a lot of times the voyage ends on the rocks or with the voyager adrift on the open seas with a completely pointless existence. Easy choice if you asked me. I’d sooner take my chances fighting my way to a destination, harnessing each happenstance toward achieving my desire than spend forever wandering with dead eyes with no ability to enjoy the surprises of the wild.

    Life may be easier without dreams but that’s because you don’t have to live it then.

    Again, when it comes to day job vs dream job, I think that people should be careful of “settling”. It is not contentment to settle, it’s the death of desire to live. As long as your day job or daily activity is necessary to your dream, you’ve got the best reason to sstay in it. As soon as it starts to compete with your dream, you’d be quite foolish to keep in it. It may be scary to let it go, it always is scary to let anything go. Let’s go out on a limb here and point out the baby’s cry upon coming out of Momma’s womb as our first taste of fear in life – leaving the warm comfort of the known even when it starts to suffocate us and impede our growth for the wilderness of the unknown is always a scary thing but it is always the wise thing to do.

    Good one, Timi. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve given us some nice pointers about when to quit your ‘day’ job, braveheart needed 🙂

      Maybe Steve Job’s quote applies here, “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”


      Liked by 1 person

  13. If everything fails and I lose all the lessons life has taught me, one thing that will stay glued to my brain is my invaluable radar which detects all traces of CHEAP labor. Exclusivity and free of charge just don’t gel, Timi. They don’t! I’m reminded of a high school jock who frolics with girls, demanding their exclusivity while he’s held accountable to nothing. No one! That is bad business, livelytwist! #thankGodforyou

    Writing is definitely your thing. But unlike others here, I like to think that you weren’t born with a pen in your palms. What effort, dedication, and discipline it must have taken you to hone your skills during those times of despair. I duff my hat oo 🙂


    1. Lol@cheap labour and the high school jock example 🙂

      Maggielola, thanks for your compliment.

      @talent, here’s how I like to look at it. We are gifted with the ability to do certain things well. I can do many things well, but in some areas, I perform better than average. If I invest time, dedication, discipline, etc, into something that I’m a ‘four’ at, then maybe I’ll become a ‘six’ at it. But, if I invest all of the above into something that I’m naturally a ‘six’ at, then maybe, I’ll become an ‘eight’. And eight is where the big boys play . . .

      I’m convinced I was born with a writing tool in my hands, maybe a pencil, or a little crayon, or a piece of chalk, but it isn’t enough. You’re right, adversity made me look at the thing in my hands . . . and value it 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I have no doubt you came out with a whole pack of pens, pencils, markers, crayons, post-its, notepads and PDAs, yeah, voice recorders too. You came all equipped to write, ma’am. If these gems you keep turning out are any judge of talent, that is. 😀

        I obviously agree with you, Timi, about talent.

        About doing stuff for free, this is where wheeling and dealing comes in. A natural wheeler and dealer knows that nothing is truly free. So they can allow someone to think they’re getting free service when they are paying with other currency. Or, in this case, they would have seen whether or not the other currency the publishers were offering was worth what they were demanding. If you don’t get wheeling and dealing, you’ll miss out on a lot of really cool deals.

        The reason I agree with Timi’s decision to move on from the deal she was offered is that some things cannot be forced or some people cannot force some talents. To have to come up with something regularly like clockwork may be a tough sell when you’re under a partner’s pressure. When it is your own pressure, the results can be significantly different. Otherwise, publishing with a popular platform even for free is a good way to get on the radar and penetrate public consciousness.


        1. Tyrion, you are so generous with your accolades, thanks.

          I may have to meet you for ‘free’ wheeling and dealing lessons at this rate 🙂
          About that opportunity, deep down, although I knew I could write, I wasn’t sure I could produce engaging content weekly. One benefit of blogging for a year, is that I proved to myself (and anyone else who wants to know), that I can.

          Okay, time for free wheeling & dealing . . .


          1. LOL. Absolutely, as soon as I’ve finished my fieldwork. I’ve got all the theory down pert but I think it’s the practical lessons you want, hey. 😀


  14. How did we writers get stuck in this “Work for free and maybe you’ll get noticed” boat? Somehow, business acumen and writing talent seem negatively correlated.

    Anyway, congratulations on the success of your blog and your continued writing excellence. Maybe we will be one step in the six degrees for each other one day. If I befriend Mr. Obama, I’ll let you know!


    1. Lol@work for free and get noticed. But when you’re just starting out, it can seem like a win-win. And aren’t I writing for free on my blog without the benefit of a huge audience that the papers offered? All in all, self-publishing has thrown our options wide open. Now, we’ve got to reverse that negative correlation; figure out ways to get paid.

      Thanks Eric. Yeah, let me know when . . . 🙂


      1. See, I was living in the big city, trying to get by, when this handsome man in an expensive suit saw me on the street and said, “Hey, kid. How’d you like to be a big star? Just write for free and I’ll make it happen!”

        I just think if we put in the time and effort into learning about and honing our craft, we shouldn’t have to give it away. C’est la vie.


    2. I think it’s like that with every art and science. If you remember, once upon a times, painters and sculptors needed patrons to ply their art. Even musicians needed patrons too – people who would maintain them while they did what they loved to do and were good at.

      Even today, scientists, technicians, skilled people still need business pioneers who will pay them to deploy their skill.

      Truth is, the only talent that really makes money on its own is the ability to wheel and deal. Every other thing is something a wheeler-and-dealer tries to use to make more money. Oh, another thing that makes money is either forcing people to pay tribute or making them like you so much that they just give you pots of money, that is, government 😀

      From these two, every skilled person derives a living. It’s great for anyone to be a natural wheeler-and-dealer and a natural talent at some art or science, but only at first. As things get more involving, choices will have to be made and one thing sacrificed to give another full place.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Eric, Tyrion, I think that we’re all agreeing that talent isn’t enough, though it can be a beginning. To be successful other things need to be added to the talent equation. Things like, street smarts, business acumen, wheeling & dealing, patrons, and a (strong) belief that there is a market for your brand of uniqueness 🙂


  15. Humility is not being the doormat others step on because you don’t know your value. It is knowing your value, but choosing to be a doormat anyway.

    This line touched my Basal Ganglia!!! God bless you for this 😊😊😊


  16. Without doubt, you’ve the talent for writing. Good thing you didn’t let the complexities sometimes associated traditional publishing stop you from starting a blog.

    Keep the fire burning.


    1. Good thing I agree. Blogging has helped me develop my writing and prepared me in many ways for whatever lies ahead. I have enjoyed the journey and hope to journey further still. Thanks Uzoma.


  17. I feel you, Timi. Writers in Naija never find it easy. Even if you eventually get to self-published after failed attempts of traditional publishing, distribution becomes an issue. Even sef, you’ll end up giving away a lot of free copies in the guise of ‘complimentary copies’. Truth is, we gotta keep pushing? abi. That is Life. Btw, I think ‘Okada books’ help unpublished authors in some way tho. you should check it out.. But for now, Keep the digital ink flowing abeg..


    1. Emeka, we’ve got to keep pushing and add marketing to our repertoire of skills. It’s a similar story for writers everywhere. It’s a good idea to hold on to your day job, while pursuing your ‘dream’ job 🙂 Thanks for the referral and yes, I want to keep writing.


  18. I’ve always loved the phrase, “It costs a candle nothing to light another!” As you inspire others with your writing, and light their candles so that their journey’s become brighter, so will others inspire you and light your candle so that it shines brighter and brighter until you wake up one day and discovered that you’ve fully actualized your dream. But, what the heck do I know, right? 🙂


    1. I think you know a lot. And I may be wrong, but I think that you’re saying helping others actualize their dreams on the way to yours, is one of the definitions of fulfillment 🙂

      I’m learning to own that phrase.


  19. Sigh……..
    This is one helluva post, Timi.
    Life is really easier without dreams, but i like dreams. It’s what makes us wake up every morning, push, shove, fight till we get there. It’s the fuel like you said.
    I like that adrenaline rush you get when you are a step closer. I love to lie in bed, close my eyes and see ‘visions’. And i love to imagine what steps i must take, contacts i must make, obstacles i must face, and the joy that comes when you pass a hurdle.
    And when that panic starts to build from somewhere in your chest, or you begin to feel overwhelmed by that dream, there’s this brave voice that comes from within saying, “Hey, you can do this”.

    Really, I’m scared for my dreams lol, but I’ll do them anyway 🙂 Then there is me thanking my Creator for life’s small gifts. What would i do without him?

    Your post is inspiring and thought provoking; best for a Monday morning. Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Ujuh, you can do this! I like to think that a dream isn’t a ‘real’ dream if it doesn’t evoke some sense of panic. But as you mentioned, you’ve got help. We don’t have to do it alone.

      Thank goodness my post has inspired thought. Isn’t that where it all begins?


      1. Couldn’t have said it better. If it’s a real dream, it’s gonna scare the be-jones out of you often enough. You never know what you’re capable of until you’ve done it.


    1. Story A would bore me, I’d rather read B. Living out B isn’t easy; you’re tempted to give up along the way.

      Lol@’Timi, write that book’ songs. Anytime you like 🙂


      1. This is my version of story A: a trust fund for the rest of my life that allows me to do nothing every morning except to read books, sleep and write when I’m inspired to. But that isn’t possible. So I chase my dreams and in the process my life is becoming more like story B. And yeah, it isn’t easy.

        Oya Timi biko, write that book.


        1. Since you’re chasing your dreams, I’d like to read your bestseller!
          I dream about your version of story A, then I wake up, splash cold water on my face, and go to work- story B! 🙂

          @book, aye, aye, I hear . . . thanks man!


  20. Your talent and writing skills are the inborn part of you which unfolding events brought to limelight, what you do with it should be inform by you and you alone decides otherwise. Nigeria needs us to change the negative perception the citizens holds of it, we need to debunk the “na naija we dey” statement as sarcastically used in most quarters. Really this post is your best anniversary post…..thumbs up


    1. How true Daniel. I look back and see that my challenges ‘forced’ me to ‘rediscover’ my writing. As for the Naija thing, some aspects are good, others we should do away with as you say.

      @anniversary post, thanks. I felt very vulnerable writing this. Now you’ve made me see it was worthwhile 🙂


  21. This was a fascinating POV and I really never looked at it from this angle. Also you are definitely off the scale now with writing talent! But I am curious. Can you elaborate on your two month content calendar? How did that work out for you? You must be very organized to stick with it!!


    1. @talent, you are too kind.

      Lol, I am as organised as the T that begins my name! When I started blogging, I knew the kinds of posts I wanted to publish and in what order. I had written half of the posts and had an outline for the other half, so that was clock work.

      I still work with a mental content calendar. I know that every six weeks or so, I should publish a post that falls in my Returning Home category. The rest falls in my Between Us category, where, God help me, I have to shoot for something funny every four weeks or so. It works for me, keeps me focused. But I’m flexible too. Now and then, something touches me deeply, and I bump my schedule to accommodate it.

      Did you just make me write all that? TMI! But someone else will read it and benefit from it (I hope). So my dear, what’s your content calendar like?


      1. That’s just it! I have NONE. I am fascinated by the writer’s mind that can plan and thoughtfully organize ahead of time, rather than just walking around, eating a bad container of yogurt, hitting their forehead and saying, “Oh! Why don’t I write about food expiration dates?” And for the record, what you just wrote WILL help lots of others….including, now me! Thank you again!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ha ha ha! I know what category I’m supposed to write, yes. But the actual content for that category . . . that’s a different story. Seriously, life provides plenty inspiration. Turning inspiration into words that will seduce readers . . . that’s where the rubber meets the road or walking around eating frozen yogurt helps 🙂


  22. “life is easy if you don’t have a dream”-word of truth! Sometimes, our dreams are burdensome; actually, most times they are. I think the need to ease this burden aka ‘realisation of dreams’ is a component of the fuel to the engine called life. I have shaken hands with the dilemma of writing for money or for free. I love this post Timi, thank God Facebook brought you here. Btw whatever happened to Bebo?


    1. A dream is a motivation to wake up in the morning and the ‘burdensome’ (Tomi, I’m rolling my eyes and dragging out the word in my mind 🙂 ) obstacles help refine our dreams. Thinking about how best to represent my thoughts in graphic format and finally plotting the graph, has made me appreciate my burdensome obstacles and given me fuel for life. So, yes, me too, I love this post and the fact that writing connects us!

      Ah, to write for free or for money? Well, here I am, writing for free! 🙂

      @Bebo, hmmm . . . Michael Birch repurchased Bebo for $1M in 2013. Go figure!


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